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Kinzel Consulting

Draw the perfect customers to you with a brand messaging strategy that resonates


I help you get the perfect messaging  out of your head and out to the world!

Chasing Ideas
Create Messaging
that Resonates
Engage with
your Audience
work with me
Kinzel Consulting

You're so passionate about what you do. Shouldn't it be easy to find the right words to tell customers about your business?

The truth is, when you are so close to your work and your vision, it can actually be more difficult to find the right words. You need an outside perspective to help you clarify your messaging and launch your website, lead generator, email sales strategy, or communication campaign. Stop beating yourself up for something that is nearly impossible to do on your own! 

Get Clear Messaging

I will use a researched, proven communication framework to create clear, compelling messaging that connects with the people you serve.


We’ll go through an extensive revision process to make sure the wording hits the right tone and represents you and your business.

Get It Launched

When you are confident in your messaging, it’s easy to move forward in your marketing and communication efforts. You’ll have what you need to hit “publish” and get your message out in front of the people you serve.

Get Results

You won’t see results if the message is still in your head! When you’ve published your final messaging you will finally connect with your audience and start meeting your goals.



Erin Kinzel is a marketing and communication consultant with more than a decade of experience. Trained by StoryBrand, Erin has a passion for getting at the heart of your mission and communicating it to your most important audiences.
She’s led marketing, branding, public relations and communications campaigns, including successfully leading Bethel University (formerly Bethel College) through its name change and brand transition. She has also served as a media representative and handled dozens of high stakes crisis communication issues for organizations and individuals.

Areas of expertise:
  • Serving as a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer
  • Building strategic communication campaigns for businesses and nonprofits
  • Creating a foundation for brand messaging that can easily be used by staff and other stakeholders to develop clear, consistent communication across all marketing efforts



Get on the same page


Erin will talk with you to learn about your marketing and communication needs, goals and desired message.

Get to Work


Erin will create a plan and timeline for how the work will get accomplished, with clear goals and checkpoints along the way.

Launch and success


You'll have the marketing and communication tools you need to move forward and meet your organization's goals.


Stop feeling paralyzed in the quest to find the perfect wording.

The truth is, the perfect wording doesn’t exist. I can help you write effective wording that will give you confidence in moving forward with your marketing and communication efforts. Whether you need a website, a lead generator, an email sales strategy, or a communication campaign, I’ll use my proven framework to create clear wording that meets your goals and connects with your audience. You don't have to go it alone - contact me and we will get it done, together.
Kinzel Consulting

Download my free guide for small business owners.

The Surprising Marketing Mistake that is Costing You Customers
Free Guide
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